//iam3739 TRAIL LIFE


SUTM: January 24, 2008

It's not about the feeling... Dude, it's submission.

A Christian talk consists a lot of interesting things. We praise each other for their well-being, courage, and staying true to the Lord. We also go to talks about how life is holding us down. More importantly, we also talk about our dearly beloved brothers who felt a little rough moment in their lives. Some may call them 'Backsliders' but in my dictionary, the term no longer exist.

I've been a Christian for over five years now. I can still remember the night when I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. My aunt shared the gospel to me for the first time, I was in third year high school then and I was doing my laundry for a play I need to perform in Valencia City, Bukidnon. I never felt something needs changing after the decision I made. Probably because I was very well provided. I can eat more than three times a day, I have the time I want, and the computer to make me happy for hours locked inside my air-conditioned room. I thought that my life was great! But the more I spend my time on thinking about what's inside the family. I got caught up and I have to change.

But again something was wrong. I worship God not because of full submission but because of the feeling. It's more like saying you love the Lord but the inside of yourself doesn't bring much impact that will truly shine in your actions. I didn't realize what I was doing after five years! And it's obvious because if God would have made some records of my inactiveness, I would expect a big number. Sometimes, I say I'm tired of doing this or I don't have time for this because I have something to do etc. I have reasons but sometimes I base my reasons because of my feeling. Which it shouldn't be like that.

I was inspired by the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Book of Daniel. When King Nabuchadnezzar ordered the people to worship a statue made of gold, the three handsome young men defied his order. Imagine, they could have just faked the whole thing by simply bowing down for a full minute but they didn't, even though their lives were at stake. Of course, King Nabuchadnezzar was furious about their act of rebellion. They said to the King, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.” (Daniel 3:16-18, NLT)

I was greatly moved by their statement. I said, "Astig!" or "Cool". But you see, sometimes we Christians are easily moved by simple problems or trials. We are easily discourage when we can't feel that God is moving. Where is the faith bro? We haven't reached to the climax that our lives will be at stake. How can we run the race?

Some of my Christian friends would ask me, "Why is my worship so dry?" or "I don't feel that God is listening, I feel so alone... Is this normal?" My friend, it's because you base your faith on feelings which is not suited for growth. Remember, worship is not about singing. If your faith feels dry, maybe because your actions are dry. The true worship is about sacrifice, it is about we as living sacrifice (Romans 12:1) and doing things that would show God's love in the midst of the people around us.

Bro, don't let the Python take over your life. Please... I love you and it is my desire that you will truly find peace in Christ Jesus. I don't want to put names in here, you know who you are. Please do remember that I always pray for you whenever I remember you. Again, I love you bro! And you know what, my love is nothing compared to God's love.

Again I love you.

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